#mstarzecnews #webdev #coding #nodejs #javascript #go #rustlang #it #bash #aws #apple #windows #electronics
JS/Web: #
- Virtual Machine for the Web - https://github.com/leaningtech/webvm
- Building Semaphore and Mutex in Node.js - https://pavel-romanov.com/building-semaphore-and-mutex-in-nodejs
- Node.js uses the Event-Driven Architecture: it has an Event Loop for orchestration and a Worker Pool for expensive tasks - https://github.com/rowsana/Not-blocking-event-loop
- Types vs. interfaces in TypeScript - https://blog.logrocket.com/types-vs-interfaces-typescript/
- Lightweight RDBMS agnostic TypeScript/JS abstraction for SQLite, PostgreSQL and MySQL - https://litdb.dev
- Bringing HTTP Caching to Node.js (Undici) - https://blog.platformatic.dev/bringing-http-caching-to-nodejs
- Secure JWT Storage: Best Practices - https://www.syncfusion.com/blogs/post/secure-jwt-storage-best-practices
- Deno 2 vs Bun: which JavaScript runtime is right for you? - https://appwrite.io/blog/post/deno-vs-bun-javascript-runtime
Golang: #
- Memory management in Go - https://medium.com/@ali.can/memory-optimization-in-go-23a56544ccc0
- Learning Go in 2024; From Beginner to Senior - https://www.bytesizego.com/blog/learning-golang-2024
Coding: #
- Learn Domain-Driven Design, software architecture, design patterns, best practices - https://github.com/Sairyss/domain-driven-hexagon
- Kafka vs RabbitMQ Performance - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPkOsXKG4ns
- A clone of .GEARS' Flappy Bird in just over 1000 lines of C - https://github.com/alxyng/flappybird
- Under the Hood (ML, DevOps, DB, C, JS, Frontend etc) - https://mohitmishra786.github.io/UnderTheHood/
- 10 new Git commands you should start using today - https://appwrite.io/blog/post/10-git-commands-you-should-start-using
Cloud/CDN/Network: #
- ƒun - Local serverless function λ development runtime - https://github.com/vercel/fun
Windows: #
- How to build a custom kernel for WSL in 2025 - https://boxofcables.dev/how-to-build-a-custom-kernel-for-wsl-in-2025/
Software/Services: #
- A lightweight Database GUI in your browser. It supports connecting to Postgres, MySQL, and SQLite - https://github.com/outerbase/studio
- Bananas🍌, Cross-Platform screen 🖥️ sharing 📡 made simple ⚡ - https://github.com/mistweaverco/bananas
Electronics: #
- PocketPD - USB-C Portable Bench Power Supply - https://hackaday.io/project/194295-pocketpd-usb-c-portable-bench-power-supply
- FREE-WILi is a embedded development tool for helping test, debug, and develop electronic systems - https://freewili.com
- Turn your Pico into a 400MHz 24 Channel Logic Analyser - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjSF2LWJVVU
IT: #
- 1000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - https://github.com/HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools
Other: #
- Air Fry Pro - Quick reference cook times for popular air fryer recipes - https://airfry.pro
- Discover history through OldMapsOnline - https://www.oldmapsonline.org/en/Poland#position=6/50.059/19.934&year=1850